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Statement of Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago, on the Las Vegas Tragedy

October 2, 2017

Once again we must reach out in shock and horror to comfort the victims of a mass shooting in our country. We offer our prayers and our deep sympathy to all those affected by this senseless act of violence. We are grateful to the first responders and others who aided the victims and helped move people to safety.

We reaffirm our commitment to nonviolence and to addressing the causes of such tragedies. At this time we come together in prayer and also in resolve to change a culture that has allowed such events to become commonplace. We must not become numb to these mass shootings or to the deadly violence that occurs on our streets month in and month out. Let us join with all people of good will to work for increased access to mental health care and stronger, sensible gun control laws. And let us build a nation characterized by kindness, remarkable for its tolerance and defined by its reverence for human life.

For the Spanish version of the statement, please click here.