Synthesis of the Synod on Synodality Consultations
In calling for a synod on synodality, Pope Francis has summoned the entire church and all her members to engage in a process of prayer, encounter, and deep listening to each other. The aim is to discern how the Holy Spirit is prompting us to move forward as a community of faith and extend the mission of Jesus Christ to a world that is so much in need of his healing and transformation. The report that follows captures at the local level in the Archdiocese of Chicago a part of a multi-year process envisioned by Pope Francis. And that process was not designed to poll opinions or debate positions. Ultimately, we tried—sometimes successfully and sometimes not so successfully—to exercise our religious imaginations in the context of prayer and dialogue. The report represents an important beginning for us. With the Spirit’s guidance, we will move forward and be the church in mission that God wants us to be.