Offices and Ministries

Persons with Disabilities

All Are Welcome

The Archdiocesan Office with Persons with Disabilities fulfills the Archdiocese’s spirit that “All Are Welcome,” most importantly, people with disabilities. The Office with Persons with Disabilities and these ministries are here to serve you as you intentionally welcome and include people of all abilities in the life of the Church in Chicago.

This Office brings together the various ministries of the Archdiocese of Chicago that provide for the participation of individuals with disabilities and their families in all aspects of parish life:

  • Commission on Mental Illness
  • Faith and Fellowship
  • Misericordia Home
  • Office of the Deaf
  • Spred (Special Religious Development)
  • That Every Ability May Belong (TEAM Belong)

The Office with Persons with Disabilities and these ministries are here to serve you as you intentionally welcome and include people of all abilities in the life of the Church in Chicago.