Archdiocese of Chicago
835 North Rush Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2030
Media Relations
The Archdiocese of Chicago’s media relations staff can be reached at 312.534.8227
Archbishop Quigley Center
835 North Rush Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2030
Cardinal Meyer Center
3525 South Lake Park Avenue
Chicago, IL 60653-1402
Mailing Address for Archdiocesan Centers:
PO Box 1979
Chicago, IL 60690-1979
Phone Directory for Archdiocesan Departments, Agencies, Vicariates and Deaneries
Click Here to reach Archdiocesan Department and Agency Web Sites
Catholic Information Line: 312.534.8204
This is a dedicated line that allows callers to leave a question about the Catholic Church or the Catholic faith, or about an agency, department or event in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Messages are removed at least once a day during regular work hours and calls are returned in a reasonable amount of time. This line is NOT answered on weekends and holidays.