Recent Policy Revisions
Book Five, §2200, The Parish and /or School Endowment Fund, has been revised and approved by the Policy Development Committee and Promulgated by Blase Cardinal Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago, February 2024
Book Four, Part I, §900, Sacramental Records, has been revised and approved by the Presbyteral Council, as of March 21, 2012.
Book Two, Part I, Title III, Chapter One, §500, Priestly Development, has been revised and approved by the Presbyteral Council, as of May 10, 2011.
Book Five, §2600, Archdiocesan Records, has been approved by the Administrative Council, as of March 18, 2011.
Book Two, Part I, Title III, §200, Placement of Diocesan Priests, has been revised and approved by the Presbyteral Council, as of March 1, 2011.
Book Two, Part I, Title III, §600, Salary and Benefits for Diocesan Priests, has been revised and approved by the Presbyteral Council, as of March 1, 2011.
Book Two, Part I, Title III, §400, Priests’ Residence, has been revised and approved by the Presbyteral Council, as of May 11, 2010.
Book Two, Part I, Title I, §602, Policies for the Protection of Children and Youth: Child Abuse and Neglect & §603, Safe Environment Compliance Policy have been revised and added to existing Policy §600 with the approval of Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of April 21, 2010.
Book One, §2000, Archdiocesan Healthcare Protocol, has been revised and approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of March 1, 2010.
Book One, §203, Bylaws or “The Catholic Bishop of Chicago,” A Corporation Sole, has been approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of January 1, 2010.
Book Five, §3000, Fundraising Appeals to the Faithful, as been approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of May 22, 2009.
Book Five, §3100, Leasing of Church Property, as been approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of May 22, 2009.
Book Two, Part I, Title III, Chapter One, §100, The Mission of Diocesan Priests (formerly The Diocesan Priests’ Personnel System), has been revised and approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of January 1, 2009.
Book Two, Part I, Title III, Chapter One, §300, Appointment of Pastors has been revised and approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of January 1, 2009.
Book One, §2100, Sponsorship and Governance of Apostolic Works, has been approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of January 1, 2009.
Book One, §2200, Awards, Honors, and Invitation to Speakers and Organizations, has been approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of January 1, 2009.
Book One, §2300, Political Activity and Voter Education, has been approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of January 1, 2009.
Book Three, Title I, Chapter Two, §1800, Catechesis in Private Schools has been approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of August 15, 2008.
Book Two, Part I, Title I, §203.3, Immigration Legal Services, has been revised and approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of June 30, 2008. This revision eliminates the need for the Policy titled “Immigration Legal Services”, previously found in Book II, Title III, Chapter One, Policy Number 1200.
Book Two, Part I, Title III, Chapter One, §1100, Clerical Sexual Abuse of Minors: Policies for Education, Prevention, Assistance to Victims and Procedures for Determination of Fitness for Ministry has been revised and approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of November 27, 2007.
Book Three, Title III, Chapter One, Elementary Schools, §100, Catholic Elementary School Financial Support (within number 100 subset 124), has been approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of October 1, 2007.
Book Two, Part I, Title II, Chapter Three, §150, Together in God's Service, has been approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of February 22, 2005.
Book Four, Part I, §207, Sunday Parish Activities, has been approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of February 22, 2005.
Book Two, Part I, Title I, §400, Benefits, has been revised and approved by the Policy Committee as of November 19, 2004.
Book Two, Part I, Title II, Chapter One, Elementary School, §100, Administration, has been revised and approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of January 21, 2004.
Book Two, Part I, Title II, Chapter One, High School, §200, Administration, has been revised and approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of January 21, 2004.
Book Three, Title IV, §200, Policy for Openness and Transparency in Communications Regarding Sexual Misconduct, has been approved by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, as of October 14, 2003.
Book One, §100, Policies and Policy Development, has been revised and approved by the Policy Committee, as of September 24, 2003.